My greatest observed strength as an instructor, is the relatability that I present to students. Less than a decade ago, I was in their position and I understand the daily rigors of Midshipmen life. Each Midshipmen should be striving for role satisfaction and commitment to the organization, as these can arguably be the foundational aspects of a student that flourishes. Gratitude and ridding cynicism have also been key areas of focus for me as an instructor, as well as explaining “why” we do the things that we do. As an Officer in Charge and a Company Commander in Afghanistan, completing missions, building confidence, and expressing gratitude towards each other were parcel to success and bringing sailors home safely to their …show more content…
The U.S. Naval Academy takes pride in its rites and rituals, such as color competitions, parades and ultimately, graduation which every few years the President attends. Teachable moments and learning at the Academy never ceases, and as Commissioned Officers, every day is a learning experience. As an instructor, I must always remember that there is theoretical relations within the course material. This was the area I have the largest contingent for improvement. A peer observer and the course director, reminded me to circle back around to the theory behind the course material. I have vast fleet experiences to share, but tying the lessons learned to time-tested, theoretical principles will create a learning environment for students that is