drugs for pleasure seeking, by surprise a variety of participants stated that pain avoidance and cravings weren’t why they used the drug (Newton et al., 2009). “Participants included 73 non-treatment-seeking, methamphetamine-dependent men and women” (Newton et al., 2009, p.295). These participants were noticed by the radio and the newspaper; all of the participants met the DSM-IV standards for dependence and didn’t meet the standards for dependence on other drugs (Newton et al., 2009). “After the risks of the study had been fully explained all subjects provided informed consent, and were paid for participation upon completion of the study” (Newton et al., 2009, p.295). Participants received money for their services in being involved in the study after they finished the whole study.
Results of all 3 tables help depict the participant’s characteristics, theories of addiction, and correlations between responses the first question in each category.
“Table 1 shows demographics and drug use data for participants completing this study. Participants reported using methamphetamine 13.6 ± 8.7 days out of the past 30 days” (Newton et al., 2009, p.296). Statistics show that 84% of methamphetamine dependent participants were male and 55% were Caucasian (Newton et al., 2009). “Table 2 also shows the lowest (1 or 2: Not at all) and highest (6 or 7: Very much) ratings by participants for each question on the questionnaire” (Newton et al., 2009, p.296). Fifty-six percent of the respondents reported they used drugs for positive reinforcement, and 44% relapsed for the same reason (Newton et al., 2009). “The correlations matrix for the results from the first question from each category is shown in table 3” (Newton et al., 2009, p.297). Both factors are emerged to get results of the factor analysis. One factor similarity is positive reinforcement, and the other is negative reinforcement. These two factors account for 67.3% of the variance (Newton et al., 2009). There are many factors that correspond to using drugs or relapsing. The tables go into detail explaining the demographics and the participant’s data for drug use, along with the ratings to the questionnaire for theories of drug addiction. The final table explains how the factors of positive and negative
reinforcement effect the first question from the questionnaire.