government conducted an unforgivable war against Mexico when their ultimate goal was to expand the slave market violating their own Constitution. According to Benjamin Lundy in his pamphlet, The War in Texas in 1836, “The immediate cause and main goal of this war-led by the slaveholders of this country…has been to grab the large and valuable territory of Texas from the Mexican Republic, in order to re-establish the SYSTEM OF SLAVERY.” Lundy shows that the main motive the United States has for annexing Texas is to expand their slave market. Slavery is immoral which gives a petty reason for United States to declare war after Mexico entered Texas. As stated by Joshua Giddings in a U.S. Congress Debate on War with Mexico, “This war is waged against an unoffending people, without just or adequate cause, for the purposes of conquest; with the design to extend slavery; in violation of the Constitution.” Giddings also brings up that Texas has long abolished slavery and the United States is trying to re-establish slavery. This shows that the reasons behind the war and actions the United States took are unconstitutional. As Giddings said, this makes the declaration of war unreasonable due to the goal of expanding the horrid practice of …show more content…
To summarize, Texas was wrong for going against Mexican laws because the Americans who chose to live there obeyed to follow these laws. In other words, they had a choice to live there and were not forced. Also, President Polk spread lies about their land to declare war when the disputed territory actually belonged to Mexico. Finally, the U.S. government only wanted to expand their land and increase the already dishonorable slave market. In conclusion, the war between Mexico and the United States is still talked about today through debates and research. Mexico sees the war as The U.S. Invasion and the war when they lost most of their territory. After the war, the relationship between the United States and Mexico has never been fully repaired. Learning history is important because people will not make the same mistakes against and learning about this war will keep the government and