
Why Is The United States Justified In Going To War With Mexico

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Why Is The United States Justified In Going To War With Mexico
[Mexico and america went to war for many reasons. To start the tensions America annexed texas when Mexico still thought that it was still theirs. To add onto that, America and Mexico dissagered on where Texas ended. Mexico encested that it ended at the Nueces River, while America sad that Texas said it ended at the Rio Grande. What I think really caused the war was that 16 American soldiers were killed just north of the Rio Grande. Because that America and Mexico disagreed on where Texas ended, America said that the soldiers were petoraling their side of the border and was murdered for no reason, but Mexico said they were defending their land. With all this America decided to declare war.] The United States was not justified in going to war with Mexico because Mexico only defended their land from trespassers plus the only true reason they went to was to get more slavery land. …show more content…
*This is proved in “A Mexican Viewpoint on the War With the United States” Voices of Mexico, Issue #41. Created by Jesus Velasco Marquez, abous the Mexican War through the eyes of Mexico.* Jesus Velasco Marquez states in Voices of Mexico, Issue #41 that “I the eyes if the (Mexican) government , the mobilization of the US army was an outright attack on Mexico…the Mexican government reaffirmed the instruction to protect the border”. This quote is saying that the Mexican government didn’t just attack the Americans for no reason, they were crossing into Mexico so they had to defend their border. This quote shows that Mexico wasn’t on offence, they were defending what was theirs. America just wants our land and was willing to steal it. Mexico did nothing wrong they were

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