Specific purpose statement: To inform the audience about the festivals in Mexico and ways they are celebrated.
Thesis: There are various types of festivals celebrated in Mexico and every festival being celebrated has a deep meaning attached to it. 1. Festivals hold a deep importance in the hearts of the Mexican families. 2. Festivities are a reason for everyone in the community to get together and spend some quality time in the presence of each other. 3. For every festival a unique cuisine is cooked. 4. The decorations for each festival differ on a large scale.
Transition: CINCO de MAYO is a famous holiday festival well known throughout the world. 1. This festival is very popular in United
States. (www.2camels.com) 2. It has become a celebration of independence, liberty and freedom - ideas which unite the people of both countries. 3. It is a very proud moment in the Mexican history and all the Mexicans celebrate this festival with a lot of enthusiasm. (www.lonelyplanets.com)
Transition: EL GRITO de INDEPENDENCIA - INDEPENDENCE DAY for Mexico (Sign of freedom) 1. Every 16th of September, Mexicans celebrate Mexico's independence from Spanish rule.
2. Lighted decorations are put up. (www.2camels.com) 3. People of all ages join in Mexico's biggest fiesta. (www.mexicocity-guide.com)
Transition: LOS DIAS de LOS MUERTOS, Los Dias de los Muertos means Day of the Dead. 1. It is a Mexican celebration of both death and life. 2. In this festival Altars are built and then they are covered with food and decorations. 3. This festival is celebrated to honor the spirit of the dead ancestors. (www.2camels.com) 4. The totality of life and death is celebrated with music and feast. (www.mexicocity-guide.com)
Transition: Mexico’s Carnivals are well known throughout the world and is a big tourist attraction. 1. Carnival dates varies from year to year. (www.mexicocity-guide.com)
2. Carnivals take place in almost every big city in Mexico. 3. The biggest carnival celebrations take place in the cities of Veracruz and Mazatlan. (www.mexicocity-guide.com)