"The Cobra Event", by Richard Preston was incredibly intimidating book that left me in awe till the very last page. It starts off with what appears to be a part of biological experiment in secluded area which hints of immense power of biological weapon. Then we get a piece of history, in which President Richard Nixon confirms the power/danger of these weapons and ends the manufacturing of biological weapons. Then the main story folds out.…
Any microorganism that produces infection when the health and immunity of the host is severely weakened.…
Anthrax used to kill millions of sheep and cows in france and undoubtedly more in the rest of the world. It was a huge economic drain for herdsman and could be dangerous to humans as well.…
Parasites. These are micro-organisms that live off other organisms or a host so they are able to survive. Some parasites don’t affect the host. But others grow, reproduce, or can even give off toxins that make the host sick resulting in a parasitic infection. They include; protozoan, fungi, and multi-cellular organisms.…
Agent Orange played a major role in the Vietnam War. Without the knowledge that Agent Orange could cause more damage than good, the United States employed this chemical to defoliate the vegetation. Using the chemical was supposed to help the Soldiers shift through the foliage so they may carry out their mission. Everything was going smoothly and as planned until they realized what Agent Orange really was.…
While routes of transmission vary for different pathogens, a given pathogen will use a given route of transmission. This has been used in the weaponisation of pathogens. The best-known example is anthrax. The bacterium that causes anthrax—Bacillus anthraces—can form an environmentally hardy form called a spore. The spore is very small and light.…
Anthrax is sometimes used a weapon, as it is highly effective. It was used throughout the First World War to contaminate animal feed and livestock…
"Of course I don 't have my underwear. I 'm definitely not wearing my underwear.... These are not boxer shorts. Mine are boxer shorts. These are Hanes 32... My boxer shorts have my name and it says Raymond...I get my boxer shorts at K-Mart in Cincinnati". (Rain Man, 1988) This quote from the popular movie Rain Man perfectly captures the disorder that plagues Raymond Bobbitt, one of the main characters. He is a very particular man who must always do everything on a schedule; any disruption in this schedule completely turns his world upside down. He shows very little emotion, unless something happens to upset him, in which case he completely melts down. His behavior is almost that of a young child. However, he also has a very unique gift. He has an absolutely astounding memory and can recall the smallest details from events that occurred when he was just a young child. At one…
Bioterrorism (Biological Warfare) is defined as the usage of infectious agents in killing or causing injuries to human’s, plants, and animals. It has been used all over the world by many different countries. Along with nuclear and chemical weapons, biological weapons are classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (2). It’s a mass destruction weapon because of it being highly contagious and having the ability to spread, creating a “blast radius” that is virtually endless. The reason why the impact of bioterrorism is so big nowadays is because powerful nations have the technology to create and also vaccinate different diseases while their weaker counter parts cannot (4).…
Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide used as a defoliant by the United Stated military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate the forest. A defoliant is a chemical that removes the leaves from trees and plants. The Vietnamese soldiers were using the forest as cover to attack the enemies. The military also sprayed a chemical mixture on the crops that were used to feed the Vietnamese army and population. The original problem that the U.S. military was trying to solve with the “Rainbow Chemicals” was to eliminate the mangroves and to expose the Vietnamese soldiers. Agent Orange was the main chemical used to try and solve the military’s problem. Along with Agent Orange there was also Agent White, Purple, Pink, Green, and Blue. All of these…
I have decided to do my research paper about the effects of Agent Orange on the ecosystem and environment of Vietnam and the soldiers who were fighting during the Vietnam war. This topic is one of many examples of how dangerous chemical being used for warfare also destroyed the environment. This event also caused damage to the people who were in contact with the agent and spread genetically through their descendants. I often wonder how the government can use such dangerous chemicals without thinking of the consequences it would have on the people involved. I want to understand the negative effects of agent Orange during the Vietnam war.…
There have been early signs of different civilizations using these types of methods against their opponents in competition for territory, resource, and dominance- which is not all to different with this day in age, but just in a much larger scale. Scythian and other earlier civilizations have used bodies of contaminated victims in their attacks towards their rivals. Scythian archers infected their arrows by dipping them in decomposing bodies or in blood mixed with manure as far back as 400 B.C.E. (Hooker, History of Biowarfare) When these arrows hit their target, the bacteria from the decomposing bodies or the blood would cause their victim to have an infection. This would be a game changer because if their target were to not be completely impaled by the infected arrow, a simple cut would suffice from bacteria entering the bloodstream and basically poisoning them. Furthermore, just during the eighteenth century, the British gave Native Americans blankets that were contaminated with Smallpox by the orders of Sir Jeffrey Amherst in an attempt to spread the disease. The Commanders of Fort Pitt gave two blankets and a handkerchief out of the Smallpox hospital to the Indian leaders in hopes of defeating them so that their fort won’t be overrun. (Dando, Before 1945) This devastating point in history is outlined by the horrendous fates of the Native Americans of both North…
Microbiology is a specialized area of biology that places an emphasis on microorganisms. Several microorganisms are included in this subject, such as bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa.…
Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War to destroy thickly forested areas. Agent Orange was a chemical mix and was the most commonly used herbicide and was the most effective for the task soldiers were trying to achieve. In just 9 years…
7. In their never-ending quest to seek more efficient killing methods, scientists and engineers in the U.S. Army’s research and development division have produced a new biological agent. From previous studies the bio-technicians have seen that all biological agents capable of destroying the central nervous system are more cost-effective…