This project is mainly used to save power automatically instead of doing manual by using IR sensors The main consideration in the present field technologies are Automation, Power consumption and cost effectiveness. Automation is intended to reduce man power with the help of intelligent systems. Power saving is the main consideration forever as the source of the power(Thermal, Hydro etc.,)are getting diminished due to various reasons. Wireless communication has become an important feature for commercial products and a popular research topic within the last ten years These embedded communications devices will be integrated into applications ranging from homeland security to industry automation and monitoring. The main aim of the project is Automatic street power saving system with IR, this is to sensor save the power. We want to save power automatically instead of doing manual. So its easy to make cost effectiveness. This saved power can be used in some other cases. So in villages, towns etc we can design intelligent systems for the usage of street lights.
Microcontroller based automatic Street light control system consists of the following components 1. P89V51RD2 Microcontroller 2. LDR 3. IR sensor 4. Power supply
Fig.2.1Block Diagram
Here we are using micro controller, IR sensors, and relay. By using the IR sensors we can operate the lights, i.e. when the light is available then it will be in the OFF state and when it is dark then the light will be in ON state, it means IR sensor is inversely proportional to light. When the light falls on the IR sensor it sends the commands to the micro controller that it should be in the OFF state then it switch off’s the light, all these commands are sent to the controller then according to that the devices operate. We use a relay to act as an