1. How does Original Sin factor into Christianity's independence from Judaism, despite its complete use of the Jewish Holy Scriptutes (the Tanakh/the old testament)? (in other words) How does Original Sin help make a unique Christian theology (point of view about the human being's relation to God) seperate from Judaism?
2. What effects could Biblical Textual Criticism have on a textual tradition like Judaism (or Christianity)? or, Give a description (as best as you can) of the theological (Rabbinical Judaic) discursive tradition; then, describe some of the challanges posed by the socio-historical method of Biblical textual Criticism.
3. Writers like Hossain Nasr are arguing for a complete revision of our popular and generally accepted conception of history as an evolutionary process. This is a clear consequence of the collapse of the myth of progress (that 19th century belief that science would bring continuing progress, if not perfection, in all fields of life--essentially U-topia or heaven on earth). Give an exposition of their alternative view of the development of modernity.
or, Seyyed Hossain Nasr argues for the redefinition of modernity as an intellectual project which has promoted a breakage with "religious tradition". Modernity here is not seen as a natural move from early infantile humanity to developed or evolved secular society. Instead it is presented as the natural consequence of said rupture, a reforcosing of goals, and a restructuring of priorities. Explain in detail this rupture...its begginings, its development, etc... (include the rennaisance, the scientific revolution, Francis Bacon, Decartes, the mechanical model of the universe, of humanity, etc... and so much more...)