1. Political and Social Milestones 1066-1485
a. Norman Conquest, 1066
i. William the Conqueror beat English king Harold ii. Created feudal system
b. The Age of Feudalism
i. Everybody had a specific place in the hierarchical society ii. Kings owned land and serfs worked it
c. The Decline of Feudalism
i. People had opportunities to make money outside feudal obligations
1. Increased trade with East ii. Growing cities iii. Knights were replaced by yeomen (class of small landowners)
2. Background
a. October 1066, Duke William of Normandy, France beat and killed King Harold of England at Battle of Hastings and began the Norman Conquest
3. William the Conqueror and the Norman Influence
a. William the Conqueror
i. Illegitimate son of previous duke of Normandy
1. Cousin of then English king Edward the Confessor
a. Edward died childless earlier in 1066
b. Harold, earl of Wessex was crowned king
c. William claimed king had promised crown to him
d. Sailed across English Channel with a big army ii. Efficient and ruthless soldier iii. Wanted to rule Anglo-Saxons, not eliminate them
1. Culture in England that is a combo of Norman and Anglo-Saxon elements
2. AS = more democratic and artistic + Norman law and order and cultural unity iv. Domesday Book
1. William made an inventory of every piece of property in England (land, cattle, buildings)
a. First time in Euro history, taxes were based on what people owned
4. The Normans Change England
a. Anglo-Norman unity connected England to mainstream European civilization
i. William divided the holdings of the fallen English landowners between his followers
1. New language of French
2. New social system
a. Feudalism
i. Replaced Nordic system from Beowulf
5. Feudalism: From the Top Down
a. Feudalism – a social, caste, property, and military system
i. God as supreme overlord
1. King held land as a vassal (dependent tenant) by “divine right”
2. Then came barons as kings