
Middle Ages Dbq

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The Middle Ages was an interesting time period. All around the world things were happening, but the spotlight stayed on Europe. The Middle Ages was a period of insecurity, famine, and religious war. Christianity was the main focus of religion in the Middle Ages. As a system called Feudalism rose, many people turned toward God as a safe haven. For many people there was not much to live for. When the people died, they wanted to get to heaven to experience eternal happiness. In 1056 a.d. the Byzantine church split into two different religions which was later known as "The Schism of 1056". These religions were Eastern Orthodox and Catholicism. This split appeared because the religious leaders thought that the church should be ran different ways. …show more content…

The war that was about to begin was not for seen to make it worse, but it did. As the Catholics headed over to take back their holy lands, they had to make stops. They needed to gather supplies such as food for themselves, food for their horses, and weapons. They gathered their supplies by raiding cities, much like the Mongols had done. They ruthlessly killed the people of the city that fought against them. As the Crusaders proceeded to raid cities they accidentally destroyed a Catholic city. They had thought they were killing and taking food and other supplies from Muslims, but they were actually betraying themselves. As they continued on with their war it had gotten more violent as time went on. They killed anyone who was to stand in their way. They wore armor with a big red cross on the front to signify to people who they were. If a villager had saw incoming people with red crosses, they knew that they were about to dieThe First Crusade had lasted four years, from 1095 ad to 1099 ad. The Crusaders had taken back their land, Jerusalem, but little did they know, that was not the end of it. The First Crusade had left a mark on many other societies, as well as their

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