The CEO of Milk Processor Education Program, Julia Kadison, has launched the “Get Real” campaign. In her website, there’s a topic titled “The Truth on How Dairy Cows are Treated On Dairy Farms” including the article “Milking Machines”. In this short writing, she attempts to answer the question “Do the milking machines hurt the cows?”. She goes on to state that milking machines are better for cows because they are fast. What she fails to mention is how much milk the machines take from the cows and why they need to be milked so often. There are about 12 million fewer dairy industries than there was in 1950, yet milk production has increased by 116 billion pounds. How much milk do they take from the cow? They take 35-50 liters more milk than a calf would naturally need. Milk is originally produced for the calf, so why is the cow lactating at an abnormal rate? I’ll mention why the cows have to be milked so often since Kadison failed to state the reason. There’s a 55% risk of dairy cows getting a disease called mastitis. When having mastitis, the female cow’s mammary glands swell almost four times as big as they naturally are. This causes pain and irritation to the animal. Cows are injected with hormones that force them to lactate more, producing more milk, forcing them to undergo being milked more often. In addition, she said the machines were fast, but are they painful? Facts evaluated by …show more content…
This one is an easy statement to find evidence against. Two common animal’s rights group have both done investigations and proved that cows on large industry dairy farms do get mistreated. One of those groups, called Mercy for Animals, pulled back the curtains to reveal the truth about one of the largest dairy farms in America. Willet Dairy’s giant white barn may look alright on the outside, but Mercy for Animals opened the door to reveal the 7,800 cattle being locked inside. In the beginning of the year 2009, an investigator that was linked to Mercy for Animals decided to become an employee and the Willet Dairy farm. Not only did he document the acts that he saw, but he also recorded the ones he could on camera and some are now revealed on or The evidence did show that even though Kadison denies mistreatment on dairy farms, that you never know what goes on behind closed doors. For example, Kadison stated, “The cows’ livelihood is always the farmer and his worker’s top priority, and farmers do not tolerate dairy cow abuse on their farms.”. Yet, during the investigation, videos show opened and bloody wounds on the cows, infections filled with pus, prolapsed uteruses, and swollen joints. Therefore, going against Kadison’s words, they were not a top priority. That’s just a single