In our everyday language we put into words many emotions like love, wanting, caring but also those bad emotions like hate and anger, that everyday distinction in the way we use language everyday changes not only our knowledge and thus our minds, but also makes us see thing in the world in different sometimes unhealthy ways. Language is a primary system of complicated communication between 2 or more people, language with its defined ways of making sound into coherent words which define our life on this planet, not only changes how we see the world but defines it in our thoughts. We not only use the language to communicate but also to think and thus put our thoughts into patterns with which we can communicate. Language is a very good tool to poses but while language can be a huge boon to a person it can also be called his curse, because language while not being evil in itself can certainly be used for corruption. To understand corruption we have to not only think about bad things but also about any changes of thoughts which corrupt our image of ourselves and the world.
Language can corrupt us in many ways. One of the ways is the simple negative words called expletives, not only do they have many meaning sometimes but they define our primitives needs of feeling better, through various forms of feeling good. Those mean and hurtful words while making us feel better about ourselves causing people around to like or dislike us. Expletives don’t have to be always used in bad way in this way language can help us put emotions of great sadness or deep anguish into words and thus share our problems with friends who might help us get through it.
Language can thus lead us to learning things about the world which are not always good or correct in the eyes of society, a simple talk with your friend through the use of common language between you can