They measured the effects of the mindfulness based intervention by randomly assigning classrooms to the MS curriculum or MS plus additional seven once-a weekly class. The sessions lasted 15 min 3 times per week for a total of 5 weeks. The teachers assisted in self-reporting data by doing a student evaluation that was already being used by the teachers. This caused the study to be a naturalistic field evaluation of a program curriculum used within the school. The measures were a student behavior rubric made by Kinder Associates, LLC., which assessed four categories these categories were paying attention, self-control, participation in activates, and caring and respect for others. The data showed significant within-teacher variability but not between teacher variability. For all four outcomes the student behavior scores improved in both pre-to post-intervention. Suggesting that mindfulness training may have improved classroom behaviors among ethnically- divers and lower income school aged children. Beyond the 5-week intervention program there was no significant benefit added when measuring for the children
They measured the effects of the mindfulness based intervention by randomly assigning classrooms to the MS curriculum or MS plus additional seven once-a weekly class. The sessions lasted 15 min 3 times per week for a total of 5 weeks. The teachers assisted in self-reporting data by doing a student evaluation that was already being used by the teachers. This caused the study to be a naturalistic field evaluation of a program curriculum used within the school. The measures were a student behavior rubric made by Kinder Associates, LLC., which assessed four categories these categories were paying attention, self-control, participation in activates, and caring and respect for others. The data showed significant within-teacher variability but not between teacher variability. For all four outcomes the student behavior scores improved in both pre-to post-intervention. Suggesting that mindfulness training may have improved classroom behaviors among ethnically- divers and lower income school aged children. Beyond the 5-week intervention program there was no significant benefit added when measuring for the children