Chair: Tom Oliver.
Secretary: Will Christensen.
Dept. Chair: Philine Lichtenberg.
Dept. Secretary: Xanthe Drinkall-Gash.
1. Present / Apologies:
Present: name, name, name, name, etc.
Apologies: name, name, name, name, etc.
Absent: name, name, etc.
2. Agenda Items:
Internet timings.
Costa timings.
Blood donations.
School uniform.
Water dispensers.
3. Action Taken (From Previous Meeting:)
Bed times – Chair went to HMs meeting. Bed times moved from 9:30-10:30pm for Removes.
Astroturf usage – Dept. Chair went to Mr George (Director of Sport ATO October 2014,) SLT and Sports Centre. Astroturf now opens from 9:30-10:00pm on Wednesday for all pupils (excl. Lower School.)
4. Business:
a. Internet timings – here we will write what has been said by Senate and the action to be taken in the following week by who.
b. Costa timings –
NEXT MEETING: whenever next meeting is.