South Carolina Heart Center uses an electronic health record called NextGen. NextGen was implemented in the year of 2007. This is the facility MPI and permanent storage. The Information Technology department does a back-up every night at 6:00pm.…
Dr. Cecil Burnett and other members of the cardiology department consulted on the patient. They felt that his hypoxemia and breathlessness were not secondary to his cardiac status. He had supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. The cardiology staff utilized intravenous medications that control the cardiac rate adequately resolving these cardiac issues.…
You are working in the internal medicine clinic of a large teaching hospital. Today your first patient is 70-year-old J.M, a man who has been coming to the clinic for several years for management of CAD and HTN. A cardiac catheterization done a year ago showed 50% stenosis of the circumflex coronary artery. He has had episodes of dizziness for the past 6 months and orthostatic hypotension, shoulder discomfort, and decreased exercise tolerance for the past 2 months. On his last clinic visit 3 weeks ago, a CXR showed cardiomegaly and a 12-lead ECG showed sinus tachycardia with left bundle branch block. You review his morning blood work and initial assessment.…
(HF). She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, “I just had to come…
One of the first steps in any clinical assessment is to gather a thorough history from the patient. This history includes, at minimum, the patient’s identifying information, presenting problem, and relevant personal history relating to their presenting problem.…
My current schedule has been re-fitted to make sure patients will have plenty of time in advance to make necessary appointments. My PA Saundra has agreed to take over certain patients in case of emergency.…
2) What is causing her "S3" heart sound? An S3 sound is an extra sound indicating abnormal blood pressure within the heart, namely against the ventricle walls during diastole (relaxation). Blood seems to be flowing too rapidly into the ventricles during…
•to a patient: you are having some problems with your heart muscle and we would like to perform some tests to find out exactly what is going on.…
Indemnity insurance plans have three options. Two of them are reimbursement plans (Howell, R., 2014). One typically covers 80 percent while the patient covers 20. The other option covers 100 percent. The third option pays the insured a certain amount each day for a maximum number of days. Indemnity plans are fee-for-service plans (retrospective).…
Spend some time interacting with your prospective patient before you spend a lot of time gather data from the chart. Some students have made the mistake of selecting a patient who they have not…
The keywords used to search for reference are reducing hospital readmission, prevention of hospital readmission, CHF, Heart Failure (HF), case management, and diabetic patients. The following are the results of using the basic function of CINAHL with Boolean phrase as default. Below are the screen print for each key words.…
This is a case study of a 76 year old female patient who is suffering from congestive cardiac failure. She has past medical history of hypertension, chronic renal failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia. She has been admitted in hospital several times recently and she was discharged 11 days ago from emergency department. Now she is suffering from dyspnoea and she feels like she can not catch her breath due to congestion of lungs. Congestion of lungs occurred due to congestive heart failure. Her lower limbs feel like tree trunk due to oedema. These changes are manifestations of congestive cardiac failure. She is also not following fluid and salt restriction and gained 2 KG weight. M. G is suffering from many chronic conditions…
Assessed for presence of edema, I & Os, lab values of sodium and potassium, vital signs performed q hour, breath sounds assessed, cardiac monitoring.…
For men, the most common cancers are as follows: prostate, lung, colorectal, and bladder. For women: breast, colorectal, lung, and ovarian. “Only 5.5% of either gender suffering from heart failure did not have another disease as well, compared to 20-38% of cancer patients.” "This study highlights how anonymised data from general practices can be used to uncover evidence that helps us understand how patients can be best managed. The comparison will hopefully highlight the potential impact of heart failure to the public, who can take proactive steps to prevent it."…
Sharma AJ, Weiss EC, Young SL, et al. (2008): Chronic disease and related conditions at emergency treatment facilities in the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina.…