Miranda Lamberts is 33 years old country singer who have recently captured the gaze of her fans by losing several pounds of weight. About the exact number, well she is not telling that right now. But she shared said that her workout routine and diets are always being acting and eating the right things. In order to lose her weight to an optimum range Miranda did such a hard works. Because of the excessive travelling it is hard to attend gym every day, her trainer Bill Crutchfield equipped her with some certain workout techniques which she can do anywhere. Fashion magazines were quite disappointed by seeing Miranda Lambert as fat in their covers. Even after the age of 30, Miranda had a courage to reshape her body for her singing career and also her fans.
In 2014, Miranda Lambert dropped about 20-23 pounds (Not to be sure) of weight with the help of her workout and dietary regimen. She discussed her weight loss experience with People magazine and Women’s health in which she said “We …show more content…
do Cardio, a lot of circuit training. We do things with my body weight, like lunges. A lot of stuffs with resistance bands.”
Some of the people especially her fans say that she gone to a weight loss surgery which is entirely false. Indeed, Miranda posted a letter to her fans about how she actually lost the pounds. “Though I NEVER care what the tabloids have to say about me I wanted to address this certain story they are running this week and set the record straight. I DID NOT have surgery to lose weight. That is ridiculous,” she wrote. Added the star: “I lost my weight the healthy and good old fashioned way. Watching what I eat and working out with my trainer Bill Crutchfield.”
About the exact number of pounds she dropped, Miranda admitted that she doesn’t know how many pounds she actually have lost. On which she said It’s not about a scale. It’s about how you feel and how your jeans fit. And on November 10th when I turned 30, my skinny jeans were finally baggy! Mission accomplished! So for anyone who is tempted to read the “Trash Talk” please don’t,” she said. “I am proud to be a normal size girl and I want to encourage everyone to be confident at any size.”
The basic four steps by which Miranda Lambert achieved her desired weight are as follow
She stopped taking Trendy diets to her course
Miranda Lambert has tried so many diets but later she got tired of it. She personally experienced the role of diets on her weight over the tears. Miranda knew about one key factor which was to get bacl to the healthy diet and get used to healthy foods. “I just literally would make grilled chicken breast, sweet potato salad. There was no miracle." Her diet has become quite simple with fruits or fried with her meal.
She started enjoying eating Vegetables
Throughout her life, Miranda was not a vegan at all, instead she used to hate it. After she came to know about the miracle of green vegetables which helps in losing weight she now drinks the juice of green veges every day. So if I don't eat anything else green that day, I feel like I've got my green in.” Healthy eating habits certainly improves your fat burning process in an effective way. For Miranda it worked a big time.
Performing Cardio on regular basis
Running is also under the hate list of Miranda Lambert, says Miranda. So her tactic to burn fats is by run-walking where she played a song and run for its length. With her past cheerleader experience she now likes jumping jacks or running up stairs in a consistent way.
Britney Spears as her Motivation
While her run walks, Miranda usually listens to the pop star Britney Spear’s song where she also liked to picture her. "If I put on Britney, I can picture Britney's body, and I'm like, 'Oh! Faster!'" she says. From a psychological point of view, Miranda is keeping up to shed her pounds in a faster manner.
Miranda’s diet is not set in stones she stated.
It wasn’t entirely up to her because if it was she’d be eating all the junks, bacon and cheesy items. But just for her weight loss Miranda listed these things into her diet which included, egg white, fruits like Avocado and salad. She also said that weight loss is all about working on yourself and make practical choice in every day of life. Losing weight for her has left a big sight of motivation to eat right. “It’s really easy to gain weight, and it’s really hard to lose it. So, just stay focused you know. It I kind of ate bad in the morning I try to do better at night, or vice versa. It’s just not blowing it all day, every
Her before and after pictures depicts huge difference in her weight although the beautiful singer looks ever dazzling in every shape. Miranda Lambert gives people an inspiration about transforming yourself if only one has got guts to do it. She did it bravely and proudly and now she is happier with her healthy life style.