Overwhelmed and unprepared in this situation only means one thing, Carl needs help. Waiting to do things at the last minute does not leave much time for adjustment. Today we rely on technology to remember, organize, and set our schedule for us. In the case of Carl Robins, he definitely needed help in a small amount of time. Communication is the best way to get business done. Carl Robins is a new campus recruiter for ABC Inc. He was able to recruit 15 new applicants in the month of April. The 15 new hires will work for Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor. Carl was supposed to start the applicant’s orientation on June 15. By July 15, the new hires should be in working status. Carl was contacted by Monica on May 15 to ensure he had manuals, training schedule, orientation, policy booklet, drug test, and a series of things handled before the deadline. The day after Memorial Day, Carl went to the office, to make sure all of the paperwork for the new applicants was ready for orientation. When Carl was going through the files, he found things were not what it seemed. A couple of applicants did not complete their applications, nor did they have their transcripts on file. Another problem was applicants were not sent to the mandatory drug testing clinic. Finally the training room where Carl was going to hold is orientation got booked for the same month he was going to hold training for new hires. There are a lot of problems that ABC Inc should be blamed, but Carl is responsible for making sure that all trainees are ready for work. Many of problems should have been avoided. 15 trainees are not ready to go on the next phase of their hiring because of poor planning. This company has some poor communication problems; therefore the hiring process is
References: 1. Richard Bach. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/richardbac389113.html Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/citation/quotes/quotes/r/richardbac389113.html#9JVfjUkHbx5SlpWO.99 2. Hawkins, D (2010) “Why Employers Should Mandate Pre-Employment Drug Tests” http://voices.yahoo.com/why-employers-mandate-pre-employment-drug-tests 3. Merriam-Webster (2013) http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transcript 4. Regus (2013) http://www.regus.com/