Task 2.3
Explain where conflicts and dilemmas in sharing information
You need to be open and honest when sharing information because it might turn into conflicts and dilemmas. But you have to careful when you are being open and honest where you are sharing information in case a person gets angry or may be the person doesn’t want to work with you in the setting and may not trust you and it might turns into conflicts and dilemmas as you need to think the person has the done the right thing or the wrong thing where sharing the information.
You need to be open and honest when seeking advice if in any doubt but when sharing information as it might turn into conflicts and dilemmas for example if a person is angry with you or a person in the setting doesn’t want to work as you with you as it and puts you are in a dilemma and don’t know if you have done the right thing or the wrong thing in this dilemma by where you are sharing the information.
You need to be open and honest when keeping data protection confidential as you need to be careful where you are sharing information as it might turn into conflicts and dilemmas but where you are sharing the information the person might get angry with you as you may cause conflicts and may put yourself in a dilemma if you have done the right thing to share the information.
You need to be open and honest when asking people and where you share the information as it might be confidential and been passed on from the different partnerships but where you ask people to share information it might cause a conflict and a person might get angry or may put the person who is sharing the information in a dilemmas as you might have done the right or wrong thing to ask to people to share the information
You need to be open and honest when you consider the safety and the well-being of a person where you are sharing the information. But where you share information you need to consider the safety and the well- being