Jason is Afro-Caribbean and 42 years old. He has had a serious accident at work. He has several broken bones and internal bleeding. He needs extensive surgery. Doctors are unsure whether he will pull through. His family are contacted and told to attend the hospital. On arrival, his family are escorted to the visitors’ room. The doctor arrives and explains the circumstances to his family. Jason’s wife tells the doctor she would like to see him. The doctor advises against this. Jason is taken to theatre where they find he has a broken pelvis, leg, hand and knee. The doctor informs the family that they will be moving Jason to another hospital 30 miles away because they do not have the necessary expertise. Jason’s wife mentions briefly that she will not be able to travel that distance. Jason is moved. Jason has lots of surgery over the next few weeks. X-rays show that his broken bones are improving. However,
Jason is becoming more and more distant. He is losing weight and refusing to eat.
The doctors cannot understand why he is not responding.
Biomedical model
This model looks at the patient as a machine. Doctors are the only people with the expertise to make diagnostic assumptions. It is concerned with how the body works.
It is based on scientific observation and diagnosis. Health is seen as freedom from illness. Services are and should be geared towards treating the sick. This approach believes that illness can be treated like a car or bike by fixing and mending broken parts. It is not concerned with social construction of the individual.
Socio-medical model
The social model is more concerned with the individual. It looks at the social condition of the illness. It looks at why some diseases are more common in certain groups. It looks at the causes of illness, for example, more people in lower income groups smoke. It will look at why men live longer when they are married. It will question why women are living longer than men. It argues that the