VAGA Scotland and Engage Scotland submitted a response to the draft Expressive Arts experiences and outcomes in May 2008. The response was compiled following consultation with representatives of art galleries and gallery educators in Scotland. Q1 The draft Expressive Arts experience and outcomes are clearly worded. disagree
In general the draft Expressive Arts experiences and outcomes are not considered to be particularly clearly worded.
It would be helpful for the curriculum levels to be identified (as in the Technologies draft).
The open-ness of the draft experiences and outcomes is very welcome, but the language is quite vague. Teachers may need more specific ideas to respond to.
In particular, opinion is split whether ʻmagic, wonder and power of the artsʼ is appropriate wording. The difficulty of using such language is that, while these words may convey the excitement and inspiration of experiencing the arts, this sentence possibly refers to things which cannot be taught.
Across the whole document, the difference between each outcome is minimal and it would be clearer if the progression is highlighted in some way.
While the outcomes are repeated, with progressive increment, the language is not always consistent. For example: EXA001A refers to creative work in the expressive arts while
EXA101A cites activities within the expressive arts suggesting a slightly different emphasis and it is not clear whether this is the intention.
EXA206E specifically mentions moving image media and this is considered too restrictive and likely to be interpreted literally; to the exclusion of other media.
It is not clear how the experiences and outcomes can be assessed. Very few of the experiences and outcomes are described in tangible terms and it is suggested more concrete and practical wording is used to assist assessment.
Q2 The expectations of the draft Expressive