The following mixed method design description features proposed research on transformational leadership behaviors and their impact on employee organizational commitment in member institutions of the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). After a review of transformational leadership theory and previous research concerning the topic, the author describes the various factors involved in the study, including the hypothesis, participants, and procedure. It is the author’s hope that this proposed study, if carried through to completion, will contribute to existing transformational leadership theory with a generalizable context.
Mixed Method Research Mixed method research designs are composed of a marriage between quantitative and qualitative research, meaning that mixed designs have greater complexity than either method alone. Often, mixed method research revolves around multiple research problems instead of only one (Ormrod & Leedy, 2013). A crucial first step in this research is to establish the research goal. Newman, Ridenour, Newman, and DeMarco (2003) indicate that a research goal should involve determining the overall, long-term aim of the study. After goal setting takes place, the next step is to determine the research objective. Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2006) identify five major research objectives for mixed methods research—exploration, description, explanation, prediction, and influence. Once the rationale has been determined, Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2006) cite Greene, Caracelli, and Graham (1989) in their presentation of five general purposes for selecting mixed methods for research—triangulation, complementarity, initiation, development, and expansion. Although there are six mixed method designs from which a researcher can choose, the author elects to use the sequential explanatory strategy for her work. Creswell (2003) posits that sequential explanatory research is characterized by collection and analysis of quantitative data, followed
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