MKT501– Strategic Marketing
Use this format to plan your research and complete the SLP assignments. Your final paper in module 5 SLP should follow this outline. Note that the letters “a, b, c…” and the numbers “i, ii, iii, iv…” in the outline below are used to show the major issues you need to include in your paper and you may not use these letters and numbers to organize your paper.
I. Cover Page (1 page)
a. Marketing plan title
b. Course title and number
c. Your name and date
d. Name of Instructor
e. Executive Summary (2 pages maximum)
f. Summary of what plan is designed to achieve
g. Summary of key elements of internal environment and external environment analysis (only points …show more content…
What does your initiative provide (or what do you suggest it provide) in order to encourage/support behavioral change.
a. Identify “the set of benefits that the strategy offers”
b. NOTE: The value proposition is intangible, it is made tangible through specific offerings/activities. ii. Proposition Statement
1. What is the key proposition on which the strategy and its activities should be based?
a. Refer to the “4ps” of marketing. iii. Accessibility Statement
1. What information or support materials must be made easily accessible? a. Refer to the “4ps” of marketing. iv. Communication Statement
a. What method of communications should be sought?
i. Print/radio and other traditional media? ii. Social networking?
X. Marketing Implementation (2-6 pages)
a. Follow the format provided in the module 5 SLP.
b. Remember, you should suggest at least 2 actions to be taken which can help achieve your stated goals and which are consistent with your strategic statements. c. What is the cost/budget of implementing the suggested actions?
XI. Marketing Budget (1 page)
XII. References
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