Another environmental issue which impacts on success of business is competitive environment in the market. In this Nestle case, the problem was shown that Nestle lost its market share from another competitor, Coca-Cola. While coca-cola occupied about forty percent share in Japanese instant coffee market, Nestle only could able to capture four percent share because it suffered to fail to enter the market until the 1980s. It was caused by failure to adapt cold canned coffee trend in the 1960s and let Coca-cola to develop this segment in the market. Intension competitive rivalry is important for the multinational firm to gaining more market share. Less opportunity at home has made succeeding in international competition particularly important for firms, and the absence of buoyant growth has reshape the attitudes of government toward foreign penetration at home and the success of local companies abroad (Michael, 1986).
Alternative solutions
To solve this problem the company had to examine the economic