The question of whether human resources has the capacity to transform or replace deeply rooted models of personal management and industrial relations or could become fully worked through theory of management is on that cannot be answered in a simple manner.
Definition of terms
Human resources
Personal Management Personnel management or personnel administration refer to the management of manpower within a plant or agency, and the terms emphasize employer relations with individual employees, in such activities as selection, rating, promotion, transfer, etc. In contrast, the term labour relations is generally used to describe employer relations with groups of employees, especially collective bargaining — contract negotiation and administration. (Yoder, Heneman, Turnbull, & Stone, 1958).
Industrial relations
Industrial relations, or employment relations, in recent years, has come to be used as the broadest of these terms, including the areas of both personnel management and labour relations. ‘‘Industrial relations’’ or ‘employment relations’’ thus describes all types of activities designed to secure the efficient cooperation of manpower resources. (Yoder, Heneman, Turnbull, & Stone, 1958). In these circumstances for the greater part of this century the work of IR academics and researchers largely focused on trade unionism, collective bargaining, labour law, dispute settlement and, generally, on the external environment. Their interest in what occurs at the workplace level is of very recent origin.
The ‘‘personnel’’ and ‘‘human resources’’ terms were largely used interchangeably. Then, beginning in the early 1980s, sentiment started to shift rapidly in favor of the HR term. In 1989, for example, the major professional association for 342 B.E. Kaufman / Human Resource Management Review 11 (2001) 339–374 personnel managers changed its name from the American Society for Personnel Administration to Society for Human Resource