3. factor of distribution channels Producer Product intermediaries (warehouse transportation, distributor, retail) Management sytem Manajemen pemasaran kotler
4. Function of Distribution Channel Acording to Philip Kotler (1997 : 531-532), in a distribution channel, distribution channel members perform multiple functions Information Promotion Ordering Payment Title. Physical Possesion, Financing Risk Taking Kotler (1997 : 531-532) Manajemen pemasaran kotler
5. Modern distribution channels, is a new wayModern distribution channel to distribute goods through retail stores are modern and comfortable. provide addedproviding service and good quality goods to consumers,, value in shopping for consumers,, http://oluwabamidele.blogspot.com/ & manajemen pemasaran kotler
retail6. retail management business is covering all activities in direct sales to consumer end, for personal needs , not business..Acording, kotler (2001;56) Manajemen pemasaran kotler
7. Retail retail store isstore companies whose Minimarket Supermarket primary function sells Hypermarket products to consumers Convenince store end for personal use grosir Manajemen pemasaran kotler & manajemen distribusi teori dan prakterk “david sukardi kodrat”
daily needs implement self-service system small-sized (100m2 s / d 999m2) a modern grocery store8. Minimarket
medium-sized (1.000m2 s / d 4.999m2) Have parking area full and varied products9. supermarket
Have parking area Full