References: * SAEGUSA, S., YASUDA, Y., URATANI, Y., TANAKA, E., MAKINO, T., & CHANG, J. (2010). Development of a Guide-Dog Robot: Leading and Recognizing a Visually-Handicapped Person using a LRF. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, And Manufacturing, 4(1), 194-205. doi:10.1299/jamdsm.4.194 * Eddy, J., Hart, L. A., & Boltz, R. P. (1988). The Effects of Service Dogs on Social Acknowledgements of People in Wheelchairs. Journal Of Psychology, 122(1), 39. * Ryan, J., & Straub, A. (2005). People with MS are... going to the dogs. Inside MS, 23(2), 30-35. * Ladyman, T. (2012). Can a robot be a safe and alternative to guide dogs? * * Hirata, S., Fuwa, K. (2007). Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) learn to act with other individuals in a cooperative task. Primates, Jan; 48(1):13-21. Epub 2006 Nov 11. * Moir, J. (2010). Assistance dogs and independent living for disabled people. British Journal Of Healthcare Assistants, 4(7), 331-333. * London, J., & London, J. (2005). The call of the wild and White Fang / Jack London. Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.
References: * SAEGUSA, S., YASUDA, Y., URATANI, Y., TANAKA, E., MAKINO, T., & CHANG, J. (2010). Development of a Guide-Dog Robot: Leading and Recognizing a Visually-Handicapped Person using a LRF. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, And Manufacturing, 4(1), 194-205. doi:10.1299/jamdsm.4.194 * Eddy, J., Hart, L. A., & Boltz, R. P. (1988). The Effects of Service Dogs on Social Acknowledgements of People in Wheelchairs. Journal Of Psychology, 122(1), 39. * Ryan, J., & Straub, A. (2005). People with MS are... going to the dogs. Inside MS, 23(2), 30-35. * Ladyman, T. (2012). Can a robot be a safe and alternative to guide dogs? * * Hirata, S., Fuwa, K. (2007). Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) learn to act with other individuals in a cooperative task. Primates, Jan; 48(1):13-21. Epub 2006 Nov 11. * Moir, J. (2010). Assistance dogs and independent living for disabled people. British Journal Of Healthcare Assistants, 4(7), 331-333. * London, J., & London, J. (2005). The call of the wild and White Fang / Jack London. Belmont, CA : Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.