Every day there is an increase in [globalization], meaning that interactions and integrations amongst people, corporations and political systems from different countries are made simpler. This globalization has led to an ever number of cases involving [international crime] and [transnational crime]. (Chambliss & Hass, 2012) International crime, being offenses that are extreme infractions of human interests or crimes against the peace and security of humankind that are governed by international law. Transnational crimes, would be illegal activities that cross national borders. It’s a more simplistic definition of crime than international crime. These categories of offenses have posed a threat to our nation and the international security and stability of countries around the globe. The smuggling of contraband (drugs, weapons, etc.), the illegal traffic of humans (indentured servants, sex workers, etc.), the host of fraudulent schemes (phishing scams via email/mail), and the intricate development of organized crime networks have changed the purview and meaning of criminal justice enforcement.
In 1995, President Bill Clinton issued a presidential decision directive, ordering agencies of the executive branch of government to prioritize resources devoted to combating the threat of global crime, improve internal coordination, collaborate with other governments to develop a global response, and aggressively and creatively use all legal means available to combat
References: Chambliss, W. J., & Hass, A. Y. (2012). Criminology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Clinton, B. (1995, October 22). Speech at the United Nations. Clinton, B. (1998, June). International Crime Control Strategy. Retrieved May 02, 2013, from Federation of American Scientists: http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/iccs/iccsi.html Men jailed for inciting terrorism on the internet. (2007, July 09). Retrieved from The Register: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/07/09/internet_terror_incitement_sentence/ Nuth, M. (2008). Taking advantage of new technologies: For and against crime. Computer Law & Security Report. Terrorism Act 2006. (2006). Retrieved May 02, 2013, from Legislation.gov.uk: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/11/pdfs/ukpga_20060011_en.pdf Wagley, J. (2006). Transnational Organized Crime: Principal Threats and U.S. responses. Washington, DC: CRS report for Congress, Library of Congress.