2) The three different types of Models are: Enterprise Data Model, Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model.
3) The difference between functional requirements and non functional requirements are that functional requirements specifies how the system or application should do, where in a non-functional requirement, it specifies how the system or application should be. A few examples of a functional requirement are: Authentication and business rules while non functional requirements are: Performance, Reliability and Security.
4) The main steps required for preparing an interview are: establish the objective for the interview, determine the correct users to be involved, build a list of questions and issues to be discussed. The main steps required during an interview are: to always arrive on time, to look for exceptions and error conditions, probe for details and take thorough notes. The main steps required for after an interview are: review notes for accuracy and completeness, to transfer information to appropriate models and documents, to identify areas needing further clarification and to thank the participant.
5) The benefits of doing vendor research during information gathering activities is to see what