Mitchell S. Kirby
121 Little Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
Advisor: Dr. Leon Rosenberg
May 4th, 2010
This paper represents my own work in accordance with University regulations.
Abstract The mechanisms that regulate cellular senescence, organismal ageing, and species-specific lifespan depend on a synergy of pathways that are multifactorial and extremely complex, though not yet completely understood. Recently, the development of new molecular techniques has elucidated, at least in part, the primary pathways involved in ageing. In parallel with the search to uncover the factors that control ageing is the endeavor to discover methods of extending lifespan, in hopes of living both youthfully and longer. Specifically, caloric restriction regimens and rapamycin feeding have been shown to increase lifespan in a variety of species, though other methods will be discussed as well. The illumination of ageing mechanisms side-by-side with means of extending lifespan provides a foundation from which to determine a complete multidimensional map of ageing pathways and the place of various lifespan extension methods within it. Furthermore, this information acts as a stepping stone from which to evaluate the feasibility of potential lifespan extenders and to grant recommendations for a dietary regimen bestowing a long and healthy life to its patrons.
Specific Aims
The Fountain of Youth, a mystical spring that bestows youth and immortality to those who drink from it, captured the attention of Spanish Conquistadors exploring the American terrain. Though many centuries have passed, the fascination with delaying ageing and living forever has never dwindled. Today, scientists serve as contemporary conquistadors, searching for the real Fountain of Youth in the form of pharmaceuticals and health regimens that will increase lifespan, delay
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