Title: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
1 Introduction 3
2 The difference between monitoring and evaluation 3
3 Distinguishing Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation from conventional Monitoring and Evaluation 4
4 Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) in practice 4-6
5 Conclusion 7
6 Bibliography 8
7 List of Sources 8
1 Introduction
How do we know if a project has achieved efficiency, been appropriate to its stakeholders and provided adequate benefit to as many stakeholders as possible? Has the project produced unwanted or beneficial side effects? Has new knowledge been generated and what learnings can we take from the project? Is the project or elements thereof replicable? This essay explores Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) as part of the project cycle. In order to provide context, it defines monitoring and evaluation and distinguishes between them. It then provides a critical discussion on the difference between Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) and conventional Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Finally, it focuses on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation and how it is used in practice with specific reference to a case study from China by Jianchu Qui & Vernooy.
2 The difference between monitoring and evaluation
Let us first define monitoring and evaluation in order to establish the context. Cloete and Rabie (2009:2) choose the following definition of evaluation by Mark, Greene & Shaw: “Evaluation literally means ‘to work out the value (of something)’ in its Latin root
Bibliography: Cloete, F, Rabie, B. 2009. A new typology of monitoring and evaluation approaches. Administratio Publica 17(3) Jianchu, X, Qiu, S & Vernooy, R Khan, K. 2006. Development Monitoring and Evaluation - A Public Service Responsibility and a Strategic Tool for Good Governance. PENEWS newsletter Pakistan: Pakistan Evaluation Network LIST OF SOURCES Coupal, F. 2001. Results-based Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation. Special Series on Participatory Evaluation Ottawa: Canadian International Development Agency. Kerzner, H Rakolojane, M. 2009. Projects and Programmes as instruments of development. Reader for DVA303Y Pretoria: University of South Africa. International Development Evaluation Association http://www.ideas-int.org/documents (accessed on 09 April 2012) South African Monitoring & Evaluation Society http://www.samea.org.za/ (accessed on 09 April 2012)