
Monologue Of To Kill A Mockingbird

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Monologue Of To Kill A Mockingbird
It was after the pageant, which almost the whole town went to, when I noticed the Finch kids walking on the street; I was drunk and had my switch knife in my pocket. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I followed them down the street heading to their house after they had declined an offer for a ride, it was incredibly dark and I could barely see anything except the outlines of two children. I then got out of my thoughts and heard them talking about the girl’s shoes, they were going to start heading my way, but my luck prevented that, when they saw the auditorium lights go off. We continued to walk down the street after the girl was convinced she could get her shoes the next day. Then, the boy made the girl stop because he heard me make …show more content…
I ran at the girl, my arm raised, I swung at her, and then I realized my mistake as I pulled my hand out of the chicken wire wrapped around her small frame. After, I went after the boy’s sister, I was pushed to the ground by the boy, scraping my shins as I fell on tree roots. He then went to his sister’s aid and helped her up, trying to flee. He wasn’t fast enough because she was still dazed and missing her shoes, so I yanked him away from her and broke his arm by bending it as far back as possible, it was very pleasing and I wanted to do it again, just for payback towards his …show more content…
After a nice Oof, I took this new opportunity to squeeze the breath out of her, pleasing myself with every breath I didn’t hear. That’s when I noticed a new, larger figure approaching us, as I felt firm hands grab my shoulders and pull me away from my new victim I cursed at myself for being so unobservant.
As I turned to face this new opponent, I was shoved to the ground by who I assumed to be their father. I got back up and almost landed a punch to his gut but faltered after I saw his face. The face that held a convenient, to him, kitchen knife. The people of this town call him Boo Radley. I came to the quick realization that Boo was protective of these two miscreants, for what reasons I am unaware. I also realized that I would’ve stood a better chance of fighting Atticus himself, if I didn’t have my

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