Discuss a perfect prepared environment, stimulating his needs for emotional, intellectual stimulation, hygienic precaution and his physical growth.
“There is a play of instincts within a child not only with respect to its physical growth and nourishment but also with respect to various psychic operations.”
Maria Montessori The Secret of Childhood (Chp. 6 Page 29)
Every child has a certain potential and an unconscious urge to carry out activities. He is very curious in nature and wants to develop his own powers to reveal himself. Maria Montessori termed this urge as the spiritual embryo. The child possesses within him, a pre-determined pattern of psychic unfolding which leads him to perform activities for his self construction, development and growth. This psychic pattern is built at the expense of the environment around him. Thus, special care should be taken while preparing as well as providing this environment to him. It should be concise and appealing to the child as it assists him in his overall growth. Maria Montessori designed an environment to facilitate the revelation of this psychic embryo. However, she believed that, the environment alone is not sufficient to fulfil this revelation. Hence, she provided adequate freedom to the child in order to help him reach his full potential in all the areas of development.
For the child to react to the environment around him he needs the help of two factors; the