In broader sense the terms morality & ethics are defined as under :
Morality :
It is differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are “good” and those that are “bad”.
Ethics :
It is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.
So in order to develop an organisational structure that has a strong resistivity in the competitive edge, it must have the above said to principles at its base.
Talking about morality and ethics in the context of a corporate world, it is must that a company that has development of themselves and the development of the country as its final mission it is surely got to have Morality and Ethics as is Milestone
In today’s world economy there are many companies who claim that their morals and ethics are strong enough so as to guide the entire organisation and the nation as well.
It is the duty of all the business entrepreneurs and the corporate entities to inculcate the feeling of returning the society what they want and in all the ways as is desirable.
Being ethical in the business requires acting with an awareness of: The need for complying with rules, such as the laws of the land, the customs and expectations of the community, the principles of morality, the policies of the organisation and such general concerns as the needs of others and fairness.
How the product and the services of an organisation, and the actions of its members can affect its employees, the community and society as a whole.
Arguments in favour of business ethics :
1.Ethics helps to promote a strong public image :
An organisation that pays attention to its ethics can portray a strong and positive image to