Tom Peters was out at the public football field. Tom had been playing catch with other eleven year-olds Tom was an ordinary eleven-year old boy. He was about five feet tall; he wore a t-shirt and tennis shoes. He was enjoying his summer that he felt he could not be deprived of. It was a beautiful day, there were very few clouds, and it was about seventy-five degrees outside that day. The birds were chirping and the noise of kids playing with each other and having fun filled the air.
After about thirty minutes at the football field, Tom’s mother called him home. Tom was eating his favorite food, pizza, and his mother said, “Do you know what your school is doing,” he then replied, “I do not.” His mother told him that school was going to be year-round starting the following year. Tom could not believe what he heard. Once in awhile on the news, he would see that …show more content…
He had to again walk in the halls of a school where you could hear teachers lecturing and see kids competing against each other on the playground. His first few weeks back at his school were about the same. He felt a little out of practice on the things that were being taught at his school. He was an average student; he usually got Bs and Cs. On some occasions he was puzzled and other times he felt he totally understood what he was learning.
Eventually, something bizarre happened to Tom, his grades dramatically improved. Instances where Tom was perplexed at his work became very out of the ordinary. Furthermore, his B and C average skyrocketed to an A-Plus average. After a quite a bit of thinking Tom Peters could only draw one conclusion, year-round school caused the things he was taught to stay intact in his mind.
He was faced with a very important decision, he could stay stubborn and mad about school or he could tolerate it. After several hours of thinking and disputing himself, he decided to accept school and to quit being cantankerous about