Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm
1) Palmer was operating in a weak matrix structure where he had indirect authority to the project and very little influence over the staff assigned. If I were him, I would talk to Ruby Sands that this situation was beyond my control as a result of Olds being assigned to a task that was time demanding and he wasn’t able to balance that with the expectations of the Johnsonville audit. I would also bring to her attention that the Johnsonville audit was behind schedule as a result of the decision to assign Olds to Crosby’s project which resulted in him being late due to the demands of the Springfield project.
2) If Palmer been fully aware of the importance of the Springfield project. He should have realized it was not a wise decision to share Olds with Crosby. He could have been more proactive as well instead of waiting until the situation got worse. He should have sought assistance from Sands sooner and reported the issues he was having with Crosby. Palmer should have been more assertive in dealing with Olds on those occasions when he caught him working on Crosby’s project and checking emails as this contributed to the.
3) Advantages
- Efficiency: As shown in the case new clients were assigned a manager oversee their account. This created greater efficiency since the work was evenly spread throughout the.
- Strong project focus: M&M core business was auditing, however in order to achieve their strategic objective to grow their consultancy business, this shifted their focus to being more strategic oriented rather than operational.
- Flexible: This was seen where functional support staff was also assigned to projects more strategic in nature as in the case of Olds.
- Dysfunctional conflict: This situation was evident between Crosby and Palmer who operated from the strategic and operational sides.
- Infighting: This occurred where Olds expertise was being shared on both a functional and