Motivating Employees
If you want a successful company, you need to understand the important role that your employees play in any activity. Many times, as an employer, we forget the importance of understanding employees’ needs and want to be able to keep an atmosphere with motivated employees. When I think about motivation, I think about the reason that initiates, guides, and maintains people to keep reaching for their goals. Without motivation, people can’t find the strength and desirability to do their best to achieve goals in all aspects of their lives. Unfortunately for many employers, motivation plays the same role in the work environment. In other words, motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst, reading a book to gain knowledge, or put effort in completing a task at work. Motivation is an employee 's intrinsic enthusiasm about accomplishing activities related to work (Heathfield, 2013). An individual 's motivation is influenced by different factors that can be biological, intellectual, social, and emotional. Creating a motivational work environment should be a priority for all companies. Every employee has activities, events, people, and goals in his or her life that he or she finds motivating. To create the appropriated motivational work environment, you need to figure out how to inspire your employees. Employee motivation is the combination of fulfilling the employee 's needs and expectations from work with the workplace factors that enable employee motivation or not (Heathfield, 2013). In addition to creating a strategy to keep your employees motivated, you also need to considerer the importance in creating clear and specific missions and goals. It is important to have your employees understand the purpose of the company’s objectives. The more they understand the more they will able to contribute to its success. Failure to do so, could
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