There are always challenges when being placed in a position of leadership. The best case scenario when being a manager is to have the ability to deal with any situation. A good manager will evaluate the formation of the team then collaborate with the team to become more effective and productive. Creating an environment where the leader shines and their team members are supportive is any manager’s dream. Working together in a professional atmosphere which is organized and well run will be effective and create harmony on any team. Communicating effectively with the team will create optimal results.
Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values among your Learning Team members
Team D is made up of multiple individuals from diverse backgrounds. The majority of the team members are Dominant, with subtitles such as Producers these individuals dislike being told what to do and may have their own opinions of how the work and team should be run. They are very productive with their work. They normally will try to complete all the work without the help of others. The producers should try to be flexible in a team environment and allow others to help them, they tend to do all of the work on their own and want it done on their terms. This Dominance style will speak their mind and normally do not bite their tongue. This Dominance style will benefit by sitting back and relaxing, allowing others to voice their opinions and assist them in a situation. Although this maybe a difficult task it would be beneficial to the team so that everyone can work harmoniously and still accomplish the common goals and task. The other dominant style is the pioneer who may be highly accomplished and effective in their work but may beat their selves up under pressure.
Mentor Evaluation
The organization which my mentor works for is the same organization I work for. My mentor’s job title is Quality Systems Manager, he evaluates each part of our
References: University of Phoenix. (2013). DISC Assessment. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, LDR 531 Organizational Leadership website. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2013). Retrieved from