Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan
Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies.
Team Member Name
Summary of Individual Characteristics
Motivational Strategy and Action Plan
Relevant Theory
Roans is satisfied with her job and actively engaged. Rosana is content, moderately intense, and extremely intelligent with deliberate decision making tendencies
Keep Rosana actively involved in decision-making. Her hard work needs to be rewarded with praise and needs to be challenged to continue to stimulate her mind and keep her engaged.
Self Determination Theory
Diann is satisfied with her job because it meets her needs. Diann is engaged whenever she wants, and feels good about her employment because it meets her needs. Her intensity could use some work and she is emotionally intelligent.
Diann needs things to stay simple and given tasks she desires. She is a performance-based worker and likes to see compensation for her efforts allow overtime and if bonuses are available make them attainable for everyone.
Expectancy Theory
David is happy with work and his work environment. He is nto always actively engaged and is content. David is emotionally intelligent and would rather not make decisions.
David is a happy go lucky kind of person a who likes to socialize with others. David desires positive re-enforcement and welcomes praise. David should be praised for a job well done to motivate him to continue his efforts.
Reinforcement Theory