1) How well does active-wear fit with the Vigor division (e.g. target customer, advertising and sales strategy, production capabilities)? What possible impact could this new product line have on the Vigor brand name?
Harrington Collection's manufacturer and retailer of high-end women's apparel. The Vigor division of Harrington Collection's is aimed to appeal to younger fashion conscious customers. The division sells career wear, dreis a learge sses, skirts, blouses, pants and coats. The ideal customers targeted by the Vigor division are "trend setters", women aged 25-50 who are affluent, college-educated, and proffessionals seeking fashionable yet comfortable work clothing. The retail price ranges for the division are between $150-$500 and are classified as the "better" range of products. Vigor's current market share is 7%.
Active-wear appears to fit very well with the Vigor division and their target customers. The increasing trend in women wearing active-wear not only for the gym but also for fashion purposes is growing as can be observed by competitor divisions offering the product line. Reports found that the active-wear lines had a turnover rate of almost twice the rate of current Harrington Collection apparel. As "trend setters" current Vigor customers would be attracted to the new product line, and a survey of Harrington customers confirmed this with 10% of existing customers willing to buy active-wear sets if they were available. Harrington Collection's requires the release of a new active-wear collection in order to remain competitive in the marketplace, and by releasing a higher quality active-wear line synonomous to the Vigor brand image, can fill this potential market space.
Vigor's current advertising and sales strategy focuses on fashion and comfort. This image would fit very well with a new active-wear line as the products are aimed at women who desire quality sports wear, looking for apparel that was stylish and