Rayner (2003) affirms this by stating that appropriate hand washing effectively removes transient organisms, which prevents MRSA transmission.
It is clear that there are many advantages and disadvantages to the process of hand hygiene, and procedures and protocols should be in place to minimise the disadvantages but in practice these are not always implemented or are hindered in some way. Personal experience has shown that there are barriers to hand hygiene, whilst working on a surgical ward within a general hospital. As this ward was surgical the importance of hand hygiene needed emphasis due to the number of recently operated on patients and also the high prevalence of MRSA that was already on the ward. From the moment of starting it was iterated the importance of ensuring that MRSA did not spread, especially to the patients that had recently had surgery. Although it is hard to follow procedure if the materials are not available to carry it out to the best of the staffs’ ability. Also it is very easy to forget especially in such a busy ward about hand hygiene but everyone must be vigilant in ensuring that it is not a regular occurrence.
Another means of prevention is the use of protective clothing. Gloves and aprons are considered protective equipment according to Pellowe et al (2004). Gloves should be worn for any contact with a wound,
References: A Strategy for the Control and Antimicrobial Resistance in Ireland (SARI) (2005) The control and prevention of MRSA in hospitals and in the community Health Protective Surveillance Centre: Dublin Belkum, A.V., Verbrugh, H Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2002) Department of Health and Human Services Gould, D Huskins, W.C., Goldmann, D.A. (2005) Controlling MRSA, aka “super bug” The Lancet Vol 365 (9456) pp. 273-276 Infection Control Nurses Association (2003) Infection control guidance for general practise Bathgate: INCA O’Connell, N.H., Humphreys, H. (2000) Intensive care unit design and environmental factors in the acquisition of infection Journal of Hospital Infection Vol 45 (4) pp. 255-262 Ott, M., Shen, J., Sherwood, S Rayner, D. (2003) MRSA: An infection control overview Nursing Standard Vol 17 (1) pp. 47-53 Simor, M.D., Andrew, E Wilson, J. (2001) Infection Control in Clinical Practise (2nd ed.) Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall