Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and
Mathematics Extension 2
The Board of Studies has revised the internal assessment requirements and HSC examination specifications for all Stage 6 Mathematics courses (see Official Notice BOS 17/11). The revisions take effect with the 2012 HSC cohort.
The following materials have been developed to assist teachers implementing the revisions for Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2:
• advice on internal assessment
• advice on programming the Mathematics Extension 1 course
• a set of five sample objective-response questions for each HSC examination
• a mapping grid for each set of sample questions
• a sample cover page for each HSC examination.
The revised internal assessment requirements and HSC examination specifications are contained in the Assessment and Reporting in Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and
Mathematics Extension 2 Stage 6 document, located at in the
HSC Syllabuses section.
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Advice on internal assessment
Internal assessment components
The mandatory components and weightings for each of the Mathematics, Mathematics
Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2 HSC courses are set out below. These components and weightings are suggested for use in each Preliminary course.
Concepts, skills and techniques
Use of concepts, skills and techniques to solve mathematical problems in a wide range of theoretical and practical contexts
Reasoning and communication Application of reasoning and communication in appropriate forms to construct mathematical arguments and proofs and to interpret and use mathematical models
Teachers may use their discretion in determining the manner in which they allocate tasks within the course content.
Up to 20% of the internal