Description of the Test Bank
This test bank consists of 300 multiple-choice items grouped by chapter and topic. Most of the items were selected from the test bank used with the prior edition of the book, but some are new and some are revisions of earlier items. The test items measure specific knowledge about the concepts, theories, research findings, and action guidelines in this edition of the book. Most items deal with major concepts and issues rather than with trivial or obscure points. However, the items are not intended to measure the ability to evaluate, synthesize, or integrate the material. To assess this type of knowledge, it is necessary to supplement the objective exams with other measures such as essay exams and papers. The review questions at the end of each chapter provide one source of essay questions, and they also provide guidance to students in studying for multiple choice exams. Students who take the time to develop answers for the review questions should be able to answer most items correctly. Written analyses of cases provide another opportunity to evaluate how well students understand the concepts and theories.
When giving instructions for a test drawn from this set of items, remind students to read each item carefully and examine each response choice before selecting the best one. Careless reading is a common source of error in this type of exam. Remind students to notice when an item is worded negatively (e.g., "Which of the following is not correct?" or “which is least likely?”). Because many of the items are complex, it is important to allow students enough time to read them carefully. Allow at least one minute per item.
The test bank is designed to have content validity (representative sampling of key points in the chapters). I tried to avoid common weaknesses in multiple choice items, such as answers that are obvious without reading the book, items that point out the answer to subsequent items,