
Multitasking Research Paper

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Multitasking has been wide spreading since technology has become more and more important in our lives. Because of its popularity, it does not mean that there are only upsides of multitasking. It has both advantage and disadvantage, but it depends on how a person can manage the way of multitasking that will fit one’s personality. “I'm not opposed to the remarkable technological advances of the past several years. I don't want to go back to typewriters and carbon paper and yellowing clip from the newspaper morgue. I just think that we should treat technology like any other tool. We should control it, bending it to our human purposes.” (Bob Herbert, “Tweet Less, Kiss More,” The New York Times, June 16, 2010). Multitasking has been helpful to me in some reasons. For example, on the day my Algorithms’ class started writing a Pseudo code for Algorithms; my instructor wanted me to summarize the concept of the code. I had no idea how to do it, so I talked to my friend and asked her if she could help me. We were on the phone while I was doing something with the codes. She gave me directions step by step. With this technology, I found it was very convenient because I
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I have noticed that multitasking can create irritations when someone is trying to carry a conversation with me while he or she is on the phone. In related example, I went to Florida with my friends last summer, one of my friends, Kim, who was married to her cell-phone. It bothered me when she tried to talk to me although she was also talking to her boyfriend at the other end of her pink gadget. Whatever I asked her, she gave me the answers which were not related to the questions. I got very angry and told myself not to go anywhere with her

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