I composed my piece in the following way; my goal was to create a composition based around the genre of reggae which is a strand of Caribbean music. After some research into different reggae songs ,I discovered that most songs were introduced by a drum beat. So I decided to use this percussion because I wanted to keep it in the form of a stereotypical reggae song and I felt it would created a intro in to the song that was nice and awakening. Throughout my piece I kept the drums the same, I emphasised the bass drum on the 1st and 3rd to create the traditional off beat used in a lot of reggae music. I also used a snare drum as it is often tuned very high to give it a timbales-type sound.
I composed my piece in the following way; my goal was to create a composition based around the genre of reggae which is a strand of Caribbean music. After some research into different reggae songs ,I discovered that most songs were introduced by a drum beat. So I decided to use this percussion because I wanted to keep it in the form of a stereotypical reggae song and I felt it would created a intro in to the song that was nice and awakening. Throughout my piece I kept the drums the same, I emphasised the bass drum on the 1st and 3rd to create the traditional off beat used in a lot of reggae music. I also used a snare drum as it is often tuned very high to give it a timbales-type sound.