In this day of fast information and communication, music nourishes our inner souls, music has always been a shared thing — between the creator, the performer and the audience. Music connects me to people I don't even know. trong music puts you in a space where you forget about yourself. It's like a good movie. It's an escape. You lose yourself. It's a license to feel, sing, shout and to dance.
A conductor once told me that music had kept him off the streets and even out of jail. Music became a kind of "survival" phenomena for him (and for me, too). It is our drug of choice because it has given us the extraordinary lasting inner experience that has even replaced real drugs, vacations, money, fame and all the things we associate with pleasure and excitement. A friend of mine who happens to be an extraordinary pianist and still practices up to five hours a day once said to me, "The piano is my best friend. I can't think of anyone better to spend my time with." Music is not just my most trusted friend. It makes me come alive, to show strength and passion and to feel useful. Music makes me feel like I'm doing something terribly important. I believe that with music I can help to change the world around me — if just a little bit.
Music is sound, composed in certain rhythms to express people's feelings or to transfer certain feelings. I prefer experiencing most things inside my mind. I don't need psychical movement to experience joy. Sometimes I use music to escape from reality, there is nothing I love to do more than listen to certain types of music that relates to my feelings at that moment. When I am a little bit down, listening to music with messages I am familiar with, is in a certain way comforting for me. As a child, I started playing the guitar. Sometimes when I feel creative I get my guitar and start playing. It is very satisfactory for me to listen to music I make myself. It empties my mind and gives me some kind of satisfied feeling.
. One reason why I prefer music much more in my life than dance, is that music does not restrict my thoughts.. When you listen to lyrics, you can hear the pain or joy associated with them. I have a h3 preference for lyrics who are written by the artist himself. When artists don't write their own music, they never felt the pain or joy they are singing about. And it makes the song in particular less convincing. I think that people who have writers to make up lyrics for them to sing, aren't musicians, they are just singers. Some bands or musicians have a lot of emotions, that they want to sing about. These are my favourite, because you can sense the emotions. It is much more beautiful than just some random words. These kind of musicians give themselves to listeners, and that way they make themselves vulnerable. The listeners use that music as a tool to deal with love, anger or pain.
Music is essential for everybody. Any earlier attempts to control or forbid music, as made by communist politics, are unrealistic and have never succeeded. Music always played some role in the history of humans. I can't imagine a world without music. It is impossible. We would be unable to express our feelings, or be creative. We could not find any inspiration. I even think the psychical appearance of the world would be very different without music, because people come up with the most brilliant ideas while listening to their favourite kind of music. It also has been proven that listening to music raises intelligence. Especially by young children. The earlier a child is exposed to music, the more advanced their spatial reasoning skills will be. The study of Drs. Rausher and Shaw show that music generates neural connections which are necessary for understanding math.
As discussed above, music can have different purposes. It can be used to keep you focused, or as a tool to help dealing with problems. It even can make you more intelligent. I really believe that music can influence and change a person's mind or mood. Music is a universal language and it brings people together. My greatest experience with music as a universal language is a Festival in France called "Saint Chartier". People from all over the world go there every year to sing, play music and dance with each other. When I am at that festival, I always get a euphoric feeling. To refer to dance, for me music is a facilitator for bringing physical responses. I don't need to dance in order to experience the music. I have a great interest in music and I will always have. I don't know what to do without music in my life. Without music, my life would be much less complete.
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