In a most resent argument with my boyfriend about his smoking habits. I will show my consensual style. Because I don't smoke and have been taught about the bad health influence on our bodies. I wanted him to quit. I plainly stated my reasons and objections reasonably. Hoping for at least a compromise and avoiding a major fight he agreed to start cutting back till he was able to stop all together. And in the process I agreed to be more supportive and patient with the understanding it will take time.
My typical style is consensual because of my need to avoid heated arguments and trying to end them positively on both sides. I feel better about myself and others around me. My style of argument is greatly influenced by my role models. The strongest role models in my life would have to be my parents. I have learned how to argue my points by watching them. My mom has more of a consensual style of argument. She is more of a peacemaker and tries to make sure everyone is happy with the decision in the end. My mom strongly believes in compromise. My …show more content…
This person won't give up to theory but rather the right facts. My arguer also sees the good and bad to every choice and makes decision based on that. Like this person I want to keep my individuality strong. I want to be considered an intimidating arguer only so my words hold more value then the ones I already have. I want to help others see more then one side of an issue. Not just to persuade them to my point but to open their minds to other options. By trying to change my arguing ways I want to open people up to what is and what can