Some of my core values and beliefs that I learned from my family vary. My mother’s values and beliefs that she taught us consisted of the Ten Commandments and what they meant. My father’s core values and beliefs consisted of believing in yourself, being proud of where you came from, having integrity and loving and standing up for our country. We were taught to respect our elders, treat others the way you would want to be treated and to honor our father and mother. We were taught to love everyone and to not judge others for what they don’t have; instead, you should pray that the Lord would take care of them. Anytime, we would act as though we were ungrateful, we would get a speech that seemed to last for hours on end. Now that …show more content…
I’ve always been accused of over-analyzing everything. However, I think by analyzing the issue at hand, it can give great insight on how the issue became a problem and how to go about fixing it. With dealing with my clients in Home-Health, I’ve always walked in and let them know from the beginning that I was not only there to take care of them physically, but I was also there to listen if they needed someone talk to. Of course, I’ve never had anyone open up to me on the first day. However, over time some clients opened up, not only their homes, but their hearts. I’m a very attentive listener and very empathetic to each individual’s situations and problems. I do, after hearing the problem, ask what I think would be pertinent questions and then go from there. In Exercise 1.2, I shared with you about my experience going to counseling as a child. One of the things I remember my counselor saying to me in the beginning was, she can’t help me solve my issues unless I open up and tell her what the problem is, so she can figure out how to help me deal with it. The way she did that was, asking me direct questions about my issues; I literally had to spill my guts about my childhood, school and family. Then she challenge my feelings on various problems, such as not wanting to go to school. She would ask, why did I feel the way I did; when did it begin? She didn’t stop until she got to the root of the problem. How she did that was