The philosophy behind our curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. Learning isn't just repeating what someone else says; it requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work and to learn firsthand about the world we live in.…
In this paper I have written regarding my educational philosophy. It answers the questions: Why I teach? Also indicating what personal philosophies I follow. How I teach? Which states the approach towards curriculum that I believe in. Lastly, What I teach? Which connects more to my personal belief in the classroom. Teaching is not for everyone but when you love what you do, it can be a rewarding and exciting profession.…
These questions are based on the preceding map exercises. They are designed to test students’ knowledge of the geography of the area discussed in this chapter and of its historical development. Careful reading of the text will help students answer these questions.…
The school I have chosen as the subject to my research is located in an urban district. The school houses grades kindergarten through sixth grade and will grow to eighth grade within the next two year. The population is mostly African American, coming from a low income house hold. The administration is made up of a principal and vice principal. Other important stakeholders consist of the PTA, teachers, the child study team, and the leadership committee.…
This exercise was very affirming to what I already new about myself and the direction my administrative career has taken me. The results put me as a “realist” followed closely by a “experimentalist”. I do believe that as I have been in administration I have seen more issues that face the real world of administration that has geared my philosophy to be based more on facts and data. However, I do believe that had I taken this test 10 years ago when I was teaching I believe I would have been stronger in “experimentalist” and even closer to an “existentialist”. I do see this as a move to be more centered in my…
During my fourteen years working as an educator in the Houston area, I have always taught in Title 1 schools. It is generally acknowledged that Title I schools host a great number of struggling and ELL students. Most of these children lack the basic means to succeed in school, due to either insufficient economic resources or limited English Language skills. The majority of newcomers from foreign countries struggle to adapt to the new environment as well as the new language. Since their economic status is low, they often settle in city areas where the poverty level is very high. Oftentimes, Title I students belong in single parent families or households where both parents work an elevated number of hours in order to be able to support their offspring. As a consequence, many older children take the role of parents, caring for the younger ones. In other cases, the absence of both parents for long hours facilitates student absences and…
Crosser, S. (2008) Enhancing the Language Development of Young Children, Early Childhood News, Retrieved from:…
Armitage, et al (1999) looks at exploring the curriculum and asks why our courses look the way they look, how they may have developed and how we can understand our courses better in order to help improve the quality of our student’s learning. It also covers definitions of ‘curriculum’ “The curriculum is a formal course of study as at a college, university or training provider” This is a definition with which I agree, or it is “... the public form of attempting to put an educational idea into practice” which shows just a few diverse set of definitions. The definitions range from showing and making an impact to the teacher and training planning and also with the planning across my college. Key issues in defining ‘curriculum’ include statements of what is to be learned, pointers as to the outcomes of this learning and explanations about the vision behind the curriculum. It has begun to expose and consider our own ideas about curriculum. Goodson (1994, quoted in Armitage, et al 1999) makes the interesting point that, while curriculum development and implementation have been written about by so many people, the more fundamental issues of curriculum definition, who constructs it, why and for who have been more neglected. This is something which I have often questioned myself.…
Inclusive curriculum is the educational programme designed to avoid all barriers to learning/student success i.e. the Central of inclusive curriculum design are clarity and flexibility. There are three ways of approaching curriculum theory and practice: curriculum as Product, curriculum as Process, and curriculum as Praxis (practice).…
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require Tuskegee University to provide an 'academic adjustment' and/or a 'reasonable accommodation' to any individual who advises the appropriate School personnel of a physical or mental disability. If you have a physical or mental limitation that requires and academic adjustment or an accommodation, please arrange a meeting with the Teaching/Learning Center Director and/or School Counselor as soon as possible to ensure appropriate and timely response to requests for accommodations. The Teaching/Learning personnel will verify the problem and provide written notification to the course director indicating the necessary academic adjustments or accommodations. Any accommodation related to examinations must be presented to the course director at least four days prior to the examination. Request for accommodations not related to examinations must be presented to the course director within two weeks of the initiation of the course.…
Throughout this essay I will critically analyse the principles and processes of curriculum design, looking at how they apply to my own curriculum. I will look at both formal and informal elements of curriculum and also my own inclusive practice and how effective it is.…
A teaching philosophy is a personal statement for teachers and anyone committing them in teaching. I already see myself as a teacher with my teaching philosophy anchored to mould my students as “plants are fashioned by cultivation, men by education” (Rousseau, 2013, pp. 8). It is important to believe in a philosophy to be able practice adequately. My beliefs and teaching philosophies revolve around the philosophy and thoughts of great philosophers like Aristotle, Dewey, Freire, Noddings and Plato.…
Studimet e Kurrikules eshte nje fushe qe I drejtohet ceshtjeve te ndryshme dhe te rendesishme qe kane te bejne me arsimin. Keto ceshtje kane tendencen te kapercejne zonat e ndryshme te kerkimeve arsimore duke ndikuar ne dizenjimin, zbatimin dhe vleresimin e programeve arsimore. Gjithashtu, keto ceshtje kane tendencen te jene te kompletuara dhe pertej disiplinave, ne lidhje me raportet reciproke midis disiplinave te ndryshme. Pyetje specifike ne lidhje me studimet e kurrikules perfshijne: Cfare duhet te mesohet ne shkolle? Pse duhet te mesohet? Kujt duhet t’I mesohet? Cfare do te thote te jesh nje person I arsimuar? Ekzaminuesit e Kurrikules hetojne gjithashtu marredhenien midis teorise se kurrikules dhe praktikes arsimore dhe marredhenien midis programeve te shkolles dhe konturit te shoqerise dhe kultures ku lokalizohen shkollat.…
curriculum is of good quality or not. The paper is not intended to be prescriptive in…
When I began my teaching career thirteen years ago, I had 3 preps (different courses to prepare for); Physical Education, Health, and Physical Science. Shortly after being hired, the Principal called and told me that I would be teaching a 7th grade physical science class. Several thoughts ran through my head, I started panicking after all my degree was in Physical Education, not Science. The Principal explained that my degree contained enough science courses which allowed me to teach the course. My lack of enthusiasm could not be denied, but had to remain hidden; I was fortunate to have my first teaching job in a high performing school. During pre-planning I recall sitting with my supervising administrator and we began mapping out the science course. Little did I know that the conversation was basically about Null Curriculum.…