In order to reach my educational goal, I will effectively utilize my time by organizing and prioritizing my tasks each day. I will also draw on my past experiences and current skills to succeed. My goal is to find more time to get my assignments done on time. I will use my time a little more wisely. I will have more patience and not get bent out of shape whenever the assignments get to difficult to do. I need to to find ways to do my assignments in between working two jobs. I could stop utilize my time more by not playing video games less and study more for assignments.
I learned about my preferred learning style by taking the VARK Learning Style Questionnaire. My style was kinetics and although i have the other skills as well. The other one ones are not as high as the kinetics skill. I like it better to have a more hands on experience. Like when i learned how to mow the lawn. I had to have someone show me how to operate the lawnmower. Showing me helps me to do things because once i can see how it’s done then i can do it as well.
I know I am not alone in earning my degree at Florida Tech. My support system will help me to reach my educational goals.