Self-portrait Intercultural Communication
My drive for success
My name is Tonia 11552; I am from the Caribbean, a small island located off the north eastern coast of Venezuela. I am 43
years old born November 5th 1969. My mother is a lawyer for the federal government in New York City. My father is a
distributor for Coca Cola and Nestle in with a PHD degree in accounting; this is the reason for my
I attended HS in the Caribbean for five years, this is the length of high school in the Caribbean. My high school
experience was an adventure if I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing, I would only add more, I was
rebellious, spontaneous adventurous all the things you would not expect a girl to be at that period and social background.
Let me be really honest my family always had money I had the best education and lifestyle money can buy. The sum of it I
could do it and I did reflecting on this it was dangerous some of the things I got into and some of the places I found myself
in at that age who cared, my mother said “I gave her a run for her money”, some old people saying who knows this was
just something said.
I think there are keys to living life, not necessarily several, but there are some mottos I live by is
be happy, life is too short not to. Be fair and kind to others because I expect the same. Do not
take things or people for granted. I have proven to myself a good successful life does not mean
you have to be rich, however money does not hurt to have.
I reflect on the people who played an important factor in my life and I see my family,
generations of them all successful and smart. They strive to always pass that down to their
children and relatives. I am very proud of my parents for the values embedded in the person I am
and the success I always try to achieve my mother left everyone she knew and the lifestyle to
come to the